Vermont Lay Monitoring Program

Man looking into the water over the edge of a boat

Lay Monitors sample a lake at an established site from their boat for total phosphorus (nutrient) concentration, chlorophyll-a (algae and cyanobacteria) concentration, and/or Secchi depth (water clarity) biweekly from June through August. In total more than 100 inland lakes and 40 Lake Champlain stations have been monitored by this dedicated group of citizen scientists, with support from the Department of Environmental Conservation and Lake Champlain Sea Grant (since 2021).

Program name
Lake Champlain Sea Grant
Lake Champlain
The Vermont Lay Monitoring Program (LMP) trains and equips volunteers (or Lay Monitors) to conduct periodic lake water quality sampling from their boat using quality-assured methods. Since the program's inception in 1979, the principal goals have remained

Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

Project Topics
Water Quality/Biotoxins/Ocean Acidification
Mark Mitchell
Lakes Monitoring and Community Outreach Coordinator