They also leveraged funds to bring additional experts to rural communities. Site selection and monitoring protocols for three community-based shoreline monitoring systems—stake sites, stake and time-lapse camera sites, and emery rod cross-shore profile sites—have been developed into a tool in the Climate.gov toolkit and monitoring protocols suitable for use by local residents. https://toolkit.climate.gov/tool/stakes-stakeholders-community-based-erosion-monitoring.
Program name
Alaska Sea Grant
Alaska Sea Grant funded researchers and partners created a system for residents to monitor local erosion, installed equipment and trained residents in five Bristol Bay communities. Researchers will expand the program to Utqiagvik with K-12 education and c
Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, State of Alaska; CNSM Geoscience Department,University of Alaska Fairbanks; Marine Advisory Program, University of Alaska FairbanksBristol Bay Native Association
Project Topics
Coastal Processes/Shoreline/Erosion