AHAB coordinates a diverse group of coastal stakeholders to address human and wildlife health risks from toxic algal blooms. Several participatory monitoring programs take place in the state. As one example, the community-based monitoring program in Kodiak is designed to contribute to responsive, reduced-cost testing of shellfish harvested for recreation and subsistence purposes and safe shellfish harvesting. It has a strong educational component that engages high school and college students in Kodiak communities in the monitoring.
Alaska Dept. of Health and Social Services; Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation; Alaska Ocean Observing System; Alaska Sea Grant; Aleutian Pribilof Island Association; Axiom Data Science; NOAA National Ocean Service, National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science; Native Village of Kotzbue North Slope Borough, Department of Wildlife Management; Kachemak Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve; University of Alaska Fairbanks; Southeast Alaska Tribal Ocean Research; Sitka Tribe of Alaska